Saturday, March 11, 2006

In Vino Veritas

Moderate drinkers have consistently been shown to have lower death rates than non-drinkers
It appears that moderate drinking protects against heart disease.
How it works is still in dispute. The chemicals in wine have antioxidant properties, and alcohol dilates small blood vessels and inhibits clotting.
A 2003 study suggested that wine also decreased the risk of peptic ulcers.
A study of nurses at Harvard School of Public Health concluded that moderate drinking by women cut the risk of diabetes by 58 per cent.
So here is to that "cozy-up-to" bottle of Merlot .... do everything you can my friends to stay healthy: exercise, travel, read and broaden your mind .... but in case, some of those days you don't feel like "putting out"; always remember the Merlot!!


Anonymous said...

Everything in moderation, except moderation. If it is worth doing, it is worth doing to excess!

Anonymous said...

Mary Wary said:

Lovely, complicated wrappings
Sheath the gift of one-day more;
Breathless, I untie the package -
Never lived this day before!